Secure Guaranteed

Investment Account

Investment Accounts

Why hasn’t my financial advisor ever told me about Bonus SGRA Investment Accounts?

Reason 1

Most financial advisors don’t even know about this, Nor, do they know how to utilize it properly to get you the most value..

Reason 2

Most financial advisors recommend Financial products that pay them the highest commissions rather than put your interest at heart.

Reason 3

The advisor can’t charge you yearly management fees on a SGRA account so it’s not worth it for them to use it.

As a Result

less than 20% of Americans have what we call an “SGRA” account set up-while more than half the population let’s their money just sit as a lump sum without proper protection from running out.

With A Tax-Deferred 401(k) or IRA…


You have fees:

Whether you know it or not you have a handful of fees that are slowly draining your retirement savings.

Your money is not liquid:

You can’t access your money any time you want, and if you do, you’re fiscally penalized.

Your money is not guaranteed and protected:

The money in your 401(k) or IRA moves with the market and has very limited downside protection.

Your money will not last throughout your lifetime:

Eventually, you will run out of money once you begin to take out withdrwals.

With A Secure Guaranteed Investment Account…


You don’t have any plan fees: Keep 100% of your hard-earned money as you should.


Your interest rate is guaranteed: Your money grows at the same yearly rate as when you opened your account–even if the market crashes.


Your money is Liquid: All money put into and made in your account is cash—you can withdraw a certain percentage each year—at any time—without penalty.


Your money is guaranteed and protected: Regardless of how the market performs, you will have the peace of mind knowing that you will never lose money and is 100% protected from all creditors.


Your money will last throughout your lifetime…and beyond: Guaranteed lifetime protected income that you cannot outlive. Once you do pass away, you can transfer your wealth to your loved ones or a charity of your choice.

Is it “Too Good To Be True” You Ask?

Nope. It’s very real.

In fact, an Account like an SGRA is not a new investment strategy.

Accounts like these have been used by wealthy individuals and families for over 100 years to build, then pass on fortunes in a legally tax-free environment.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN had an account like this.

So did Babe Ruth, Cleveland, McKinley, Harding, and FDR (FDR, in fact, held a large portion of his estate–$562,142 or over $7 million in today’s dollars—inside his account…)

The only question is…

Do You Qualify For A SGRA Investment Account?

A SGRA account is NOT available just to the super-rich…

However, an account like this can only be technically set up if you or your family qualify for it.

To discover if you qualify for a SGRA, take our 30 second survey

Account Opening

(888) 351-2993